Thursday, August 27, 2009

New Ribeye Brothers

rib eye:a large beefsteak cut from the outer, or eye, side of the ribs.
broth⋅er: a male offspring having both parents in common with another offspring; a male sibling.

Our favorite Jacks Music Employee came out with a new album with his garage rockin' band and I wanted to throw up the cover because you can't find it anywhere. I'm not necessarily sure how to get a hold of it, we've got our in's with the big guy. I would suggest calling Jacks Music at the early hours of 10am [ (732)-842-0731 ] ask for The Ribeye Brothers "New Ways to Fail", which apparently was recorded about 2 years ago (i believe right around the time their record label went under.. bummer). also try hittin' them up on myspace!

and hopefully they won't mind but here's one of my favorite tracks from their new slab a plastic "Shit Car" [If you guys do, tell me I'll tear it right down no qualms]

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


weezer from the back
So today I finally added the Weezer catalog to my iTunes, which may seem strange for anyone that knows me, except for I’ve been very slowly going through my entire collection trying to get it all on one 500gb hard drive, and its taking an excruciatingly long time.

I recently came in the possession of the next or newest weezer-if_youre_wondering Weezer single, and much like Pork & Beans it shows promise. However we’ve all been burned by the promise of Weezer before, these fellows are gonna do whatever it is their little herat desires.

Since I don’t really have my Weezer collection in full effect at the moment I’ve got some not as hard to find gems for you today.

I Want You (new single)
I Just Threw Out The Love of My Dreams (from Good Life EP)
Good Life [acoustic] (from Good Life EP)

thanks for listenin’, enjoy!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Wax on Wax

Wax_7_InchToday I received the new Wax  7” from SideOneDummy, which is about… 15 years late? sort of. Wax is doing a reunion at some festival that I won’t be able to make it to but I can still order the bonus songs from the bands final LP. I know one of these tracks ended up on a single for “California”, the most popular (i think) Wax track out there. However I find “Mallrats” far more memorable or even the three songs from the Bio-Dome soundtrack, but whatever I’m sure the 2min of watching a man run on fire sparked some teenage interest in the mid 90’s. They also did a rendition of  Ren & Stimply’sHappy, Happy, Joy, Joy” for Saturday Morning Cartoon’s Greatest Hits.

Wax’s 2nd and probably more well known album 13 Unlucky Numbers is quite a find. I never used to think so, in fact I remember finding many testimonies to its horrendousness back in the day, but anything I ever said about that album after revisiting a lot of 90’s bands a couple years back I completely take back. You can find it relatively cheap in used and bargin bins as well as Amazon of course. so go find it check out the tracks I posted and have some fun.

Wax random stuff
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

and check out their myspace??